Connected to the Trinity (LR)

What does connected to the Trinity mean? Before I get into that let’s look at two passages.  Remember, quiet your heart in whatever way the Lord leads and be still.  Contemplate and reflect on these Scriptures.

Genesis 1:1-2 and John 1:1-5

God made all of creation. We were created by Him. We were created for Him–to worship Him and to carry out His will on earth.

We were created for Him. Do you get that? God does nothing without purpose. His purpose in you is, believe it or not, to fulfill your desires. Why do I say it that way? Because as a child of His you have desires placed in your heart by the Father. In His grand scheme, His desire is for you to awaken to your desires–desires given to you by Him. You have a part to play in His larger story.

Think of your God this way: He is truly a community of love–perfect love.

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