Return of the Prodigal Son: Meet the Father

Jason Hildebrand on the father of the prodigal son

According to Nouwen (The Return of the Prodigal Son), this parable of Jesus is less about the sons and all about the character of the father–his infinite compassion, unconditional love, everlasting forgiveness–all divine realities, emanating from a Father who is the creator of the universe.  Yes, the father of the two sons does represent our Father in Heaven.

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Return of the Prodigal Son: Meet the Younger Son

Jason Hildebrand on the Younger Son

What are the implication of a son, younger or older, leaving home in the Middle East? Henri Nouwen explores those implications in the Return of the Prodigal Son. He says that, especially in Jesus’ time, this would have been an unheard of event. Continue reading

Return of the Prodigal Son

This is the hope for all of us, that we would return to our father, the God of Heaven and Earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  That is our hope whether we are most represented by the Younger or the Elder son in the parable taught Jesus in Luke 15.

The Return of the Prodigal Son is also a book written by Henri J. M. Nouwen parallelling the parable taught by Jesus with the Rembrandt painting now hanging in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, and Henri’s own life.  There are grand parallels and readers will find, as I do, parallels in life to all of these.

To kick things off I would like to relay some things about the painting here.  The painting is actually at a minimum Rembrandt’s second portrayal of the return of the prodigal son.

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