Impact of Christianity in America

Great background on the founding and gelling of American values in its beginning.
by Bill Connor

“Do not indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” — George Washington

“America is a God-fearing country, with all it implies. … American religious commitment is a primary – the primary source, I think – of American exceptionalism.” — English historian Paul Johnson

With the recent death of Christian icon Billy Graham, America had the opportunity to reflect on his life and the importance of his Christian evangelism on the nation. Younger people learned in Graham’s various crusades starting in the 1940s, and learn a bit of the Christian character of America up through recent times.

Unfortunately, there are great and increasing numbers attempting to drown out the work of Graham and move America toward a secular state future. This side sees a thoroughly secularized government. They will claim that the “wall of separation” between church and state prevents public reference to God.

Continue reading

Don’t Fall for It: “The Freedom to Worship”

Reblog from

10 Things You Should Know about the Election

The following is reblogged from a Christian source.

This is a guest post by Hunter Baker, author of Political Thought: A Student’s Guide. This post is part of our 10 Things You Should Know blog series.

1. The Bible tells us to obey the governing authorities (Romans 13).

But that doesn’t mean we should merely remain passive before the government. Christians in the United States live in a democratic republic. Citizens actually possess a portion of the state’s sovereignty within themselves. To some extent, we are the governing authorities in the sense that we vote on representatives and sometimes directly on policies. Continue reading

Make Religious Freedom Great Again

Donald Trump should commit to protecting the free exercise of religion for all Americans of all faiths. (Photo: Jeff Malet Photography/Newscom)

Unfortunately, under President Barack Obama’s administration, it came in for attack as never before. Thankfully, many of those attacks can be rectified in the very first days of a Trump administration.

Trump should commit to protecting the free exercise of religion for all Americans of all faiths. In her concession speech, Hillary Clinton referred to the “freedom of worship”—piety limited to a synagogue, church, or mosque. But what the American founders protected was the right of all to live out their faith every day of the week in public and in private, provided they peacefully respect the rights of others. (For more on this, see Ryan T. Anderson’s “Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom)

 The reduction of religious liberty to mere freedom of worship is a hallmark of the Obama years. Houses of worship, for example, were exempted from the Department of Health and Human Services Obamacare contraception and abortifacient mandate.

But religious schools, like Wheaton College, and religious charities and communities, such as the Little Sisters of the Poor, were merely “accommodated”—offered a different way to comply with the mandate while still violating their beliefs.

A Trump administration can fix this right away. Trump can instruct his secretary of Health and Human Services to provide robust religious liberty protections to the HHS mandate. And Congress can pass legislation, which Trump can sign, to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Likewise, the Obama administration has engaged in a series of executive actions—some of which were likely unlawful—to advance a radical transgender agenda. This, too, Trump can end.

For example, the Obama departments of Justice and Education have instructed school districts throughout the country that they are now interpreting a 1972 law, Title IX, to require schools to allow students to use the bathroom, locker room, and shower facility that accords with their self-declared “gender identity.” They did this by saying the word “sex” would now mean “gender identity.”

The Obama Department of Health and Human Services has done the same thing: claiming a provision in Obamacare that forbids discrimination on the basis of “sex” means “gender identity”—and thus all health care plans have to cover sex reassignment therapies, and all relevant physicians have to perform them.

Obama has also issued executive orders barring federal contractors and federal foreign aid recipients from engaging in what the government deems to be“discrimination” on the basis of “sexual orientation and gender identity”—where something as simple as saying biological males shouldn’t use female showers can count as “discrimination.”

All of this can be undone right away. Trump can rescind Obama’s executive orders, and he can instruct his secretaries of Education and Health and Human Services and his attorney general to interpret the word “sex” as Congress intended it—as a biological reality—not as “gender identity.”

Congress can then make these orders permanent by enacting the Russell Amendment, which protects freedom in religious staffing for religious institutions, and by passing the Civil Rights Uniformity Act, which specifies that the word “sex” in our civil rights laws does not mean “gender identity” unless Congress explicitly says so.

Trump should also make it clear that under his watch the federal government will never penalize any individual or institution because they believe and act on the belief that marriage is the union of husband and wife.

Trump can issue an executive order stating that when it comes to tax status, accreditation, licensing, government grants, and contracts, no entity of the federal government may penalize someone for acting on their conviction on man-woman marriage. To protect a future president from undoing this, Congress can pass, and Trump sign into law, the First Amendment Defense Act. Indeed, Trump promised to sign this bill into law during his campaign.

Whether it be harassing an order of nuns, forcing doctors to perform sex reassignment therapies, or preventing local schools from finding win-win compromise solutions that would respect all students’ bodily privacy, the Obama administration has waged an aggressive and unnecessary culture war.

Because it has done so almost exclusively through executive action, a Trump administration can quickly undo this damage. And Congress can then ratify it permanently in law. That’ll go a long way toward protecting peaceful coexistence, making American truly great again.

Preserving Freedoms

This delivery came at a Tennessee football game.  Christianity and Jesus are now the target of persecution.

THIS IS AS GOOD AS IT GETS! GOD BLESS YOU AS YOU READS THIS! Pass it on if you like it. I find it interesting that a high school principal sees the problem, but our society cannot.

This is a statement that was read over the PA system at the football game at Roane County High School, Kingston, Tennessee by school Principal Jody McLeod.

It has always been the custom at Roane County High School football games, to say a prayer and play the National Anthem, to honor God and Country.

Due to a recent ruling by the Supreme Court, I am told that saying a Prayer is a violation of Federal Case Law. As I understand the law at this time, I can use this public facility to approve of sexual perversion and call it “an alternate life style,” and if someone is offended, that’s OK.

I can use it to condone sexual promiscuity, by dispensing condoms and calling it, “safe sex.” If someone is offended, that’s OK.

I can even use this public facility to present the merits of killing an unborn baby as a “viable” Means of birth control.” If someone is offended, no problem…

I can designate a school day as “Earth Day” and involve students in activities to worship religiously and praise the goddess “Mother Earth” and call it “ecology..”

I can use literature, videos and presentations in the classroom that depicts people with strong, traditional Christian convictions as “simple minded” and “ignorant” and call it “enlightenment..”

However, if anyone uses this facility to honor GOD and to ask HIM to bless this event with safety and good sportsmanship, then Federal Case Law is violated.

This appears to be inconsistent at best, and at worst, diabolical. Apparently, we are to be tolerant of everything and anyone, except GOD and HIS Commandments.

Nevertheless , as a school principal, I frequently ask staff and students to abide by rules with which they do not necessarily agree. For me to do otherwise would be inconsistent at best, and at worst, hypocritical. I suffer from that affliction enough unintentionally. I certainly do not need to add an intentional transgression.

For this reason, I shall “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s,” and refrain from praying at this time.

However, if you feel inspired to honor, praise and thank GOD and ask HIM, in the name of JESUS, to bless this event, please feel free to do so.  As far as I know, that’s not against the law–yet!

One by one, the people in the stands bowed their heads, held hands with one another and began to pray.

They prayed in the stands. They prayed in the team huddles. They prayed at the concession stand and they prayed in the Announcer’s Box!

The only place they didn’t pray was in the Supreme Court of the United States of America- the Seat of Justice in the one nation, under God.

This principal remembered what so many have forgotten. We are given the Freedom of Religion, not the Freedom from Religion in the US Constitution.  Praise GOD that we know Him! Be faithful to Him today.

JESUS said, “If you are ashamed of ME before men, then I will be ashamed of you before My Father..”

May freedom and justice reign throughout the earth!


Radical Islam in Decline?

This is a painful day for many Americans.  I grieve with those for their lost loved ones.  Let us not forget what happened just 15 years ago.  Some evil element attacked freedom and the march against our freedoms continue inside the USA and from the outside.

Watch this video with me.  I hope Mr Pipes is correct.  Regardless, we keep our vigilance against tyranny in support of freedom for all of humanity.

Ben Carson’s Best Speech!

Ben Carson–great ideas he gives here!

Videographer’s comments: The importance of this speech by Ben Carson cannot be overstated. He was introduced by Senator Sessions and completely annihilated everything Obama stood for. Watch Obama’s face as Carson continues to press that the foundation of America is a Christian God. At the start Obama is spitting out his gum and sticking it under the table, to the middle where Obama realizes the speech may be directed at him, and then near the end where Obama looks like he’s getting very annoyed and sizing Carson up. Carson subtly, but directly blasts Obama with him seated 5 feet away. Carson touches on topics ranging from education (common core), IRS scandal, Obamacare, the importance of the freedom of speech, and one nation under God. This is the speech that fueled this present election.Carson was asked to apologize to Obama following the speech, which he never did.

I say there is many points in this speech for all of us.  Why would President Obama be offended?  (I don’t believe he was humiliated by this data.) I take Dr. Carson to heart and make the changes I personally need to support.  Everybody has takeaways from this speech.  These words are not for just one man.


Speaking the Truth in Love

That phrase is straight from the Bible translated into English.  However,  many Muslim-majority countries do not believe in giving their citizens freedom of speech.  Why is that?  What does the Qur’an say about freedom of speech.  To be honest, I don’t know.   However I do know one thing.

I have friends in Pakistan, the central country promoting the anti-defamation proposal before the UN, who are put on trial or put directly in jail for saying things that you and I would consider “normal” speech.  In fact,  I just saw a piece on TV that count two ministers on the country who were murdered because they spoke out against the blasphemy laws in the country.  That’s how bad it is in many of those countries that you never hear anything about.