The Set Up for the End Game (LR)

I’ve shown where we are all headed who know Jesus and believe in Him. I’ve touched on the Great God we serve. See Connected to the Trinity. Next, I want to look at what we are up against to get to the End Game.

In this life, we are up against a foe–a formidable one, the Devil, the Evil One. He sends temptation our way and we don’t always stand up to him and resist. Part of the plan is that we mature in this life and by Jeses’ power,learn to resist–Fight is what my pastor calls it. Realize the Evil One is here and he is real. Believe what the Word tells you about this foe. Jesus is our overcomer (John 1:5) and empowers us to overcome. Light overcomes the darkness. Jesus is the Light. The Evil One came before man was created and he is not going away quietly.

Then, God created. He created the heavens and the earth and everything in the earth including every living creature. You and I He created. As the story moves on man fell. The Fall is the biggest tragedy of all time. The world is as it is today because of the fall. There is beauty and there is good but evil and darkness abound as well.

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