Reading my Bible in 100 Days

I love this young man’s candor. I also love that as he moves back to Huffington Post he

English: The Bible

The Bible

has the freedom to write openly about his experiences–just reading the Bible.

But we all know that, if you are a Jesus follower, He shows up also as you just read the Bible.

That’s what Craig found. Not all his experiences are a result of his reading his Bible but I am going to quote some which feel fairly sure are his experiences and coming from the God in Heaven.

I’m a slow reader.

But I felt my life was in a potentially perilous situation. What if going back to HuffPost didn’t work out like I hoped it would? I turned to prayer. And I told myself I’d read the whole Bible for 100 days.

Reading the Bible daily on my iPad was becoming so immersed in my mind, body, spirit and part of my routine that at times, I physically wanted to kneel on the subway in prayer as I read on the commute to and from work. I never did that, but I did find a routine of standing all the time as I read, and balancing myself without holding onto anything.

Nearly everything around me seemed to take on great meaning, spiritual meaning.

I was also more adventurous, willing to experiment more than usual.

I was becoming more spiritual, more reflective. I pondered the meaning of life more. I wrote a post on the importance of being humble and humility and constantly asked myself during these past 100 days how can I help others more, do more for others?

I made sure to block out more of my time that was usually for myself for others. I spoke with countless students and young professionals these last few months, including a few journalism classes, heard their stories and shared advice. I’ve talked with folks on the phone, helped strangers around the city (specifically looking for those who seemed in need, confused or just looking to chat) and helped strangers online too.

And the words I read in the Bible were so strong, so meaningful, and they spoke so loudly to me that they seemed to jump off the page. There were many “aha” moments, epiphanies of sorts. Feelings of, YES, I’ve felt this way before, or YES, I can relate with my own life. The fact that a book so many hundreds of years old can speak to someone like that in this modern world is really amazing, in my opinion.

I just want to thank God for somehow giving me this idea to read the Bible, cover to cover. It made me reflect a ton, learn a ton and I absolutely feel more spiritual, and more happy. As I’ve said, I also have strived to put myself secondary to the happiness of others, especially now that I’m happy myself.

I’m on a mission now

Think what the Word of God and the Word became flesh could do for you.  Don’t you long for an experience like Craig had?  Are you motivated to get into the word now?

Email me and I give you 6 questions which will make every passage come alive for you (5stardata at bellsouth dot net) or just write in the comment below.  It will not appear on the blog unless you want it to appear.

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