Incredible Indian Christianity

Incredible Indian Christianity: A Special Report on the World’s Most Vibrant Christward Movement

Why it’s the best and worst of times for India’s burgeoning churches.

The world’s most unexpected megachurch pastor might be an illiterate, barefoot father of five.

Bhagwana Lal grows maize and raises goats on a hilltop in Rajasthan, India’s largest state, famous for its supply of marble that graces the Taj Mahal. He belongs to the tribals: the cultural group below the Dalits, whose members are literally outcasts from India’s caste system (and often called “thumb signers” because of how they vote). Continue reading


The American director announced on Monday during a social event in Tokyo the launch ofImage result for Silence his latest film entitled ‘Silence’.

Martin Scorsese’s most recent masterpiece is about the persecution of Christians in Japan during the seventeenth century – in extremis to compete at the 2017 Oscars, writes AFP. Continue reading

I Have a Prediction

I have a prediction. I know exactly what November 9 will bring. Another day of God’s

Max Lucado

Max Lucado

perfect sovereignty. He will still be in charge. His throne will still be occupied. He will still manage the affairs of the world. Never before has His providence depended on a king, president, or ruler. And it won’t on November 9, 2016. “The LORD can control a king’s mind as he controls a river; he can direct it as he pleases” (Proverbs 21:1 NCV). Continue reading